Whilst the release of the latest (and last for a while) IPCC report this week didn’t necessarily give us new information, it has certainly brought up a range of emotions for parents, grandparents and carers in our community. It's a time to remember we are all in this together and that we all need to take care of ourselves along the way.
My story of living through droughts and taking action on climate change has recently been published in the the compilation “My Drought Story”. This has been made possible by the Rural Leadership Foundation Drought Resilience Leadership Course and the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program.
Read moreThis week (and every week) we stand in solidarity with First Nations families and invite you to do the same.
Read moreFor a safe, healthy life for the kids we love, Marie and her family will match the first $1,000 of all donations to Australian Parents for Climate Action in honour of World Children's Day!
Read moreMum of 2, Hannah is one of our dedicated local action group leaders. Hannah also recently celebrated a special birthday. When we announced the #4TheLoveOfOurKids Appeal Hannah knew immediately what she wanted for her birthday - donations in support of climate action.
Read moreAustralian Parents for Climate Action is powered by parents, grandparents and those who care about a safe climate for our kids - we need your support to scale up our impact. Read on to find out how…
Between now and the end of the year we are embarking on an awesome mission! We’re excited to announce that Australian Parents for Climate Action is launching the #4TheLoveOfOurKids Appeal.
We are Australia’s leading climate advocacy organisation for parents, carers, families and all who care about a safe future for kids. We educate and empower our supporters to make the climate safer for every child. Founded in 2019 by six regional, rural and urban mums in four states and territories, we've grown rapidly to fill a critical gap in the climate movement. We are a parent organisation, run by parents for parents.
Locally active and nationally connected. With over 20,000 supporters, and local groups in every state and territory, we represent families from across the political spectrum, in every Australian electorate, and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
We are proudly non-partisan, solutions focused and we create inclusive, collaborative and safe spaces for parents to be empowered as climate advocates. Our political independence and relationship-building approach gives us the power to engage with all sides to build long-term cross-partisan support for climate solutions.
We have established ourselves as the first point of entry for parents new to climate action, as well as the home of thousands of seasoned parent-advocates - many of whom started their journey with us. We make climate action possible and attractive for millions of parents who are too busy or hesitant to join other climate groups.
Parents are innately motivated to support issues in our children’s interest and we make decisions now to look after our children’s future. It’s our job.
However, currently only a quarter of parents in Australia are already engaged in supporting climate action. A further quarter - around 1.68 million families - are concerned about climate change, but not active on the issue. Engaging this huge number of parents can shift the balance towards greater public support for climate action.
Parents face particular challenges in expressing their concerns and being represented in decision making. Obstacles include a limited time to act, competing issue priorities, a lack of opportunities to engage, and a lack of support to engage whilst managing all of their existing responsibilities.
Parents for Climate specialises in activating disengaged and disenfranchised parents by helping them overcome these barriers to action. And by growing the number of connected and engaged parents in strategic locations, we can build targeted pressure on elected representatives in state and federal parliaments.
All families, people and cultures belong in our organisation. We welcome everyone who cares about kids’ well-being. We value diversity of membership and views.
Parents for Climate is a nationally registered charity and is endorsed as a tax deductible gift recipient. Our charitable purpose is the protection and enhancement of the natural environment and the provision of information and education about the natural environment, particularly in relation to climate change.
Our core team of staff, Board and volunteers work remotely and are spread across Australia.
Additional information on our governance and charitable status can be found here
ABN 19637293746
We are Australia’s most respected climate advocacy organisation for parents and families.
Please consider making a donation to support our mission.
Our online channels and in-person groups exist to make climate action safe, inclusive and accessible for families across Australia.
To ensure this is a safe, inclusive, proactive and family friendly space we ask that all group members abide by the following guidelines when representing Parents for Climate, posting content or commenting on posts.
Our fabulous team of volunteer Moderators do a great service overseeing our national online group.
NB: The rules above apply to posts and comments in our online groups and social media channels.