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Bianca Sands

Bianca Sands

About Bianca
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Recent Activity
  • It’s not easy being a parent in a climate crisis

    Whilst the release of the latest (and last for a while) IPCC report this week didn’t necessarily give us new information, it has certainly brought up a range of emotions for parents, grandparents and carers in our community. It's a time to remember we are all in this together and that we all need to take care of ourselves along the way. 

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  • published Helen's Drought Story in Articles and media releases 2023-03-22 14:43:08 +1100

    Helen's Drought Story

    My story of living through droughts and taking action on climate change has recently been published in the the compilation “My Drought Story”. This has been made possible by the Rural Leadership Foundation Drought Resilience Leadership Course and the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program.

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  • We stand with First Nations families and communities

    This week (and every week) we stand in solidarity with First Nations families and invite you to do the same.

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  • Give the gift of Climate Action this Christmas

    What do you give to someone who has everything they need, except the one thing they care most about?

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  • Double your impact for World Children's Day

    For a safe, healthy life for the kids we love, Marie and her family will match the first $1,000 of all donations to Australian Parents for Climate Action in honour of World Children's Day!

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  • Climate action is the best birthday present - just ask Hannah!

    Mum of 2, Hannah is one of our dedicated local action group leaders.  Hannah also recently celebrated a special birthday. When we announced the #4TheLoveOfOurKids Appeal Hannah knew immediately what she wanted for her birthday - donations in support of climate action.

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  • Meet Our Climate Champions who are stepping up #4TheLoveOfOurKids

    Australian Parents for Climate Action is powered by parents, grandparents and those who care about a safe climate for our kids - we need your support to scale up our impact. Read on to find out how…

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  • published #4TheLoveOfOurKids Appeal in Articles and media releases 2022-10-26 15:53:29 +1100

    For the Love of Our Kids: Help us power up parent led climate action

    Between now and the end of the year we are embarking on an awesome mission! We’re excited to announce that Australian Parents for Climate Action is launching the #4TheLoveOfOurKids Appeal.

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  • published About us in Who we are 2022-08-15 11:56:12 +1000

    Our Story

    We are Australia’s leading climate advocacy organisation for parents, carers, families and all who care about a safe future for kids. We educate and empower our supporters to make the climate safer for every child.  Founded in 2019 by six regional, rural and urban mums in four states and territories, we've grown rapidly to fill a critical gap in the climate movement. We are a parent organisation, run by parents for parents




    Our mission

    We’re on a mission to empower millions of Australian parents to champion climate action within their communities, the media, business and politicians.



    Our vision

    A safe climate for our kids to thrive



    Our community

    Locally active and nationally connected. With over 20,000 supporters, and local groups in every state and territory, we represent families from across the political spectrum, in every Australian electorate, and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.





    Our approach

    We are proudly non-partisan, solutions focused and we create inclusive, collaborative and safe spaces for parents to be empowered as climate advocates. Our political independence and relationship-building approach gives us the power to engage with all sides to build long-term cross-partisan support for climate solutions. 

    We have established ourselves as the first point of entry for parents new to climate action, as well as the home of thousands of seasoned parent-advocates - many of whom started their journey with us. We make climate action possible and attractive for millions of parents who are too busy or hesitant to join other climate groups. 

    Our Unique Role: The Power of Parents

    Parents are innately motivated to support issues in our children’s interest and we make decisions now to look after our children’s future. It’s our job.

    However, currently only a quarter of parents in Australia are already engaged in supporting climate action. A further quarter - around 1.68 million families - are concerned about climate change, but not active on the issue. Engaging this huge number of parents can shift the balance towards greater public support for climate action.


    We empower parents to act.

    Parents face particular challenges in expressing their concerns and being represented in decision making. Obstacles include a limited time to act, competing issue priorities, a lack of opportunities to engage, and a lack of support to engage whilst managing all of their existing responsibilities.

    Parents for Climate specialises in activating disengaged and disenfranchised parents by helping them overcome these barriers to action. And by growing the number of connected and engaged parents in strategic locations, we can build targeted pressure on elected representatives in state and federal parliaments. 


    Our impact record

    • Our Solar Our Schools campaign helped secure over $70M in funding for solar and batteries in schools across NSW, TAS and WA since 2020. 
    • We secured the commitment of more than 135 federal election candidates from 20 different political parties and independents, including 22 elected representatives from both major parties and the crossbench, for our Solar Our Schools policy proposal. 
    • Our local groups held 85 meetings with candidates ahead of the federal election, including 50 meetings in marginal electorates, to discuss Solar Our Schools.
    • Our local action groups engaged thousands across 45 events in the lead up to the federal election to raise the importance of climate action with communities and candidates.
    • We helped make climate a top priority for communities in our focus electorates, as demonstrated by a strong swing to parties with stronger climate policies.
    • Our parent spokespeople and campaign moments featured in over 100 media hits ahead of the 2022 federal election campaign.
    • State and federal politicians from both major parties have asked us to keep up our work, as it helps support them to push their parties for stronger climate policies.



    Our values

    All families, people and cultures belong in our organisation. We welcome everyone who cares about kids’ well-being. We value diversity of membership and views.

    • We use our limited time effectively and make work sustainable by supporting and nurturing each other and ourselves.
    • We are stronger together as a team, supporting each other with trust, kindness and respect. Every individual has an important contribution to make and celebrate.
    • We are family-centred. We make participation easy for everyone by understanding and accommodating people and their families.
    • We are strategic and use results to inform our actions and increase our impact.
    • We have a strong culture of respect, inclusivity and care


    Who we are

    Parents for Climate is a nationally registered charity and is endorsed as a tax deductible gift recipient. Our charitable purpose is the protection and enhancement of the natural environment and the provision of information and education about the natural environment, particularly in relation to climate change.

    Our core team of staff, Board and volunteers work remotely and are spread across Australia.

    Additional information on our governance and charitable status can be found here

    ABN 19637293746

    We are Australia’s most respected climate advocacy organisation for parents and families. 

    Please consider making a donation to support our mission.

    YES! I'll donate here today.

  • published Our community culture & group rules in About - OLD 2022-07-22 12:12:17 +1000

    Our community culture & group rules

    Welcome to Parents for Climate!

    Our online channels and in-person groups exist to make climate action safe, inclusive and accessible for families across Australia.


    Our culture

    In joining our amazing network of parents, grandparents, teachers and allies please be aware that we are guided by the following principles. We are:
    • Respectful
    • Inclusive
    • Kind
    • Collaborative
    • Solutions focused
    • Non-partisan
    • United by our shared vision for a safer future for our kids
    You can find more info about our campaigns on our website and join our mailing list there, or join one of our local groups.

    Group Rules

    To ensure this is a safe, inclusive, proactive and family friendly space we ask that all group members abide by the following guidelines when representing Parents for Climate, posting content or commenting on posts.

    1. Respect others. This includes post authors, those who comment, and group moderators. Abusive, defamatory or hateful comments (e.g. based on religion, culture, appearance, sexual orientation, gender, age, ableism, political beliefs, etc.) will not be tolerated.
    2. Be kind. It’s ok to respectfully critique other people’s ideas on climate action but please do so kindly. Personal attacks, bullying or comments that incite violence won’t be tolerated. Please remember the critique of an idea does not always equate to a personal attack. Let’s be supportive and encourage each other constructively for a safer climate.
    3. Share your climate actions, events and successes - we encourage people to use the group to help coordinate ideas for climate actions that are in line with our ethos, which is kind, inclusive and respectful. Let’s collaborate and celebrate each other's successes.
    4. No advertising or spam - this includes political promotion / advertising. If you have a business initiative or research that you think is highly relevant to our group, please message our page to check if it's OK to post. Repeated posts on the same topic without thoughtful commentary, or sharing the same article multiple times will be regarded as spam. Please comment under previous posts instead of reposting - this creates better community engagement.
    5. Keep it relevant and constructive - posts should be climate related and solutions focused. When sharing a link, please include a line or two highlighting what the link is about and its relevance to climate action or climate justice.
    6. No climate denialism, or doomism - It’s not helpful, constructive or representative of scientific conclusions. Posts and comments will be deleted.
    7. Find common ground, don’t spark division - the purpose of the group is to build a strong network of parent advocates from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience. Posts should not be an attack on personal actions, commitments and lifestyle choices e.g. on diet, modes of travel and protest actions. We will not tolerate division and disrespectful engagement in this group. If we deem a post / comment as seeking to divide the group by making members feel right / wrong, good / bad, better / worse we will intervene to ensure we are building a community space where everyone feels valued and safe to participate.

    When participating, ask yourself if your contributions will help build a positive and respectful opportunity for group members to support each other, whilst respecting the diversity of views and experiences of climate action and climate change.

    Moderation in our online group

    Our fabulous team of volunteer Moderators do a great service overseeing our national online group.

    NB: The rules above apply to posts and comments in our online groups and social media channels. 

    Procedure for rule violations:
    1. Moderators will review the material and make a judgment.
    2. Material may be removed.
    3. Individuals responsible may be warned and/or banned immediately.

    If you have concerns
    Please report to admin any activity you believe breaches the above guidelines. If a post or comment concerns you, right click it and report it for moderation. If you have further concerns, please send a message to [email protected] or via our official Facebook page not to the moderators personally.