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Staying strong in Queensland

It’s not easy living in a conservative regional community and being an advocate for climate action, it can feel like a very lonely and isolating journey sometimes. And now the state I live in has just elected a new conservative government - yes, a Party that has previously committed to ambitious emissions reductions targets, but a government that so far doesn’t have a plan to meet those targets. A government who also announced via a press conference that they are suspending the Truth Telling & Healing inquiry as one of their first official acts as a new government.

It’s a time of heightened uncertainty here in Queensland and across the world right now for social justice and climate justice.

So, what inspires me to keep showing up, especially when we face setbacks along the way?

It’s other parents, grandparents and community members - just like you - who are willing to have courageous conversations and stand up for a safe future for our kids. Being part of the Parents for Climate community reminds me I’m not alone. I can’t express just how much of a difference this has made to my mental and emotional wellbeing over the past few years. And it enables me to show my teenage daughters how to keep showing up when we have set backs on the journey to achieving our goals. 

Bianca, Sharon and Breannah Standing Up for Nature on Butchulla Country.

In Queensland in recent months, I have been inspired, again and again by the examples of others who have reached out, stepped up, spoken up and taken action. Here are some of the highlights that have widened my smile and helped me to stay connected to active hope:


  • Visible Support: Parents and grandparents across the state have been proudly displaying I Vote Like A Parent signs in their yards, windows, and on social media


  • Flags of Hope: Over 170 Flags for Our Future were created by young and old and displayed in Hervey Bay between February and October 2024 led by the Fraser Coast Parents for Climate group.


  • Conversations for Change: Hundreds of people in regional communities came together for constructive conversations about the renewable energy transition including over 50 people in the small regional community of Kingaroy led by a passionate crew of local parents from the South Burnett Sustainable Future Network.


  • Electrifying Events: Sell out crowds gathered in Brisbane and the Gold Coast to hear Dr. Saul Griffith speak on the opportunities of household electrification.


  • Amplifying Our Voices: Over a thousand people joined the Queensland Community Alliance Election Assembly in Brisbane to rally for social justice, First Nations justice, and energy equity.


  • Youth-Led Inspiration: Hundreds attended screenings of Rising Up, a film by youth film-maker Kal Glanznig on his Queensland tour.


  • Standing Up For Nature: Committed volunteers across the state led by awesome campaigners from partner organisations like the Queensland Conversations Council and the Australian Marine Conversation Society showed up week after week, inspiring others to Stand Up For Nature and Fight for Our Reef.

I Vote Like A Parent signs proudly displayed across the state.

A selection of the fabulous Flags for Our Future created on the Fraser Coast throughout 2024.


Jo & Chloe on Magnetic Island for the community screening of Rising Up.

These are no small feats in communities and in a state where climate action didn’t feature as an election issue in the mainstream narrative and where growing division and disinformation is threatening to derail the significant progress that we’ve already made on reducing emissions and making the shift to cleaner, renewable energy that is available now.

Looking ahead to the federal election, I take heart from the foundations we are building in Queensland and from the fabulous connections that have been made within and between communities.

Want to help us build an even stronger foundation?

Please join us at the upcoming Calling All Parents for Climate World Children’s day webinar to find out how you can get involved in the lead up to the federal election.

We need all hands, hearts and voices on deck to secure a safe future for our kids. 




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