We’ve shortened our name to Parents for Climate, it’s easier to say and remember. This will help us reach and engage even more parents, carers, and grandparents in securing a safe climate for our kids to thrive. Nic Seton, Parents for Climate CEO, explains how this small change can help make a big difference.
Every day, parents provide safety, comfort and strength to their families.
We make lunches. We give hugs. We mend wounds. And we solve problems.
But climate change is more than any one parent can bear. Sure we all have a role to play, but big actors, like governments and businesses, have so far failed to do what it takes to secure a safe climate for our kids. So we’re left with little choice but to rally together, united by the love we share for our children, to secure ambitious climate action for the love of our kids.
That’s what Parents for Climate was created to do. And over four years, tens of thousands of parents have stepped up to play their part. We've engaged millions of voters and moved millions of dollars in funding to deploy climate solutions. But time is running out. And it will take many more parents to join forces to achieve our aim.
Over four years, we have learned so much more about the diversity of parents in Australia, their values, and their capacity and commitment to act. We’ve also learned that our original logo and organisation name - Australian Parents for Climate Action - pose certain obstacles to activating more parents, as the words, length, and images often confuse the media and exclude some parents who might otherwise come on board.
It's not the first time our organisation has improved it's branding. But it's the biggest change we've made so far.
Our name and logo are the key to the door to people's hearts and minds. The first step in the journey to inspire more action and achieve impact together. That’s why we are refreshing our brand to become clearer, more memorable and more instantly recognisable. That’s why we’re changing to Parents for Climate.
Our mission remains the same: to empower millions of Australian parents to champion climate action within their communities, the media, businesses, and to politicians. And with a stronger and more inclusive brand and name, we are one step closer to doing just that.
Of course, our mission can’t happen without you, and every parent who believes in our vision for a safe climate for our kids to thrive. This is a shared project of optimism, created and cared for by thousands of parents and carers across the country. A project designed to fix the story that threatens to prevent our children from enjoying the same joy, safety and security that we did. Parents for Climate is a shared project for the love of our children: the living embodiment of hope, and our motivation for action.
So please join me in sharing this invitation to create a better story for our kids with every parent, grandparent and carer you know. Because a parent's love is powerful. And together we can be an unstoppable force for climate action.
Nic Seton - Parents for Climate CEO