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Our community culture & group rules

Welcome to Parents for Climate!

Our online channels and in-person groups exist to make climate action safe, inclusive and accessible for families across Australia.


Our culture

In joining our amazing network of parents, grandparents, teachers and allies please be aware that we are guided by the following principles. We are:
  • Respectful
  • Inclusive
  • Kind
  • Collaborative
  • Solutions focused
  • Non-partisan
  • United by our shared vision for a safer future for our kids
You can find more info about our campaigns on our website and join our mailing list there, or join one of our local groups.

Group Rules

To ensure this is a safe, inclusive, proactive and family friendly space we ask that all group members abide by the following guidelines when representing Parents for Climate, posting content or commenting on posts.

  1. Respect others. This includes post authors, those who comment, and group moderators. Abusive, defamatory or hateful comments (e.g. based on religion, culture, appearance, sexual orientation, gender, age, ableism, political beliefs, etc.) will not be tolerated.
  2. Be kind. It’s ok to respectfully critique other people’s ideas on climate action but please do so kindly. Personal attacks, bullying or comments that incite violence won’t be tolerated. Please remember the critique of an idea does not always equate to a personal attack. Let’s be supportive and encourage each other constructively for a safer climate.
  3. Share your climate actions, events and successes - we encourage people to use the group to help coordinate ideas for climate actions that are in line with our ethos, which is kind, inclusive and respectful. Let’s collaborate and celebrate each other's successes.
  4. No advertising or spam - this includes political promotion / advertising. If you have a business initiative or research that you think is highly relevant to our group, please message our page to check if it's OK to post. Repeated posts on the same topic without thoughtful commentary, or sharing the same article multiple times will be regarded as spam. Please comment under previous posts instead of reposting - this creates better community engagement.
  5. Keep it relevant and constructive - posts should be climate related and solutions focused. When sharing a link, please include a line or two highlighting what the link is about and its relevance to climate action or climate justice.
  6. No climate denialism, or doomism - It’s not helpful, constructive or representative of scientific conclusions. Posts and comments will be deleted.
  7. Find common ground, don’t spark division - the purpose of the group is to build a strong network of parent advocates from diverse backgrounds and levels of experience. Posts should not be an attack on personal actions, commitments and lifestyle choices e.g. on diet, modes of travel and protest actions. We will not tolerate division and disrespectful engagement in this group. If we deem a post / comment as seeking to divide the group by making members feel right / wrong, good / bad, better / worse we will intervene to ensure we are building a community space where everyone feels valued and safe to participate.

When participating, ask yourself if your contributions will help build a positive and respectful opportunity for group members to support each other, whilst respecting the diversity of views and experiences of climate action and climate change.

Moderation in our online group

Our fabulous team of volunteer Moderators do a great service overseeing our national online group.

NB: The rules above apply to posts and comments in our online groups and social media channels. 

Procedure for rule violations:
  1. Moderators will review the material and make a judgment.
  2. Material may be removed.
  3. Individuals responsible may be warned and/or banned immediately.

If you have concerns
Please report to admin any activity you believe breaches the above guidelines. If a post or comment concerns you, right click it and report it for moderation. If you have further concerns, please send a message to [email protected] or via our official Facebook page not to the moderators personally.