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David McEwen

David McEwen

Jeanette Howie Annelies Hodge Eve Elliott-Smith Estelle Dollfus-Gates
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  • EV touring: What happened when we ran our BYD Atto 3 battery down to zero

    Fresh from a 4,550 km, three state, two week family road trip in an electric vehicle, David McEwen Iv reports back on his experience, including the good, the bad, the future, and a special mention.

    Imagine you’re on a regional highway and have run out of petrol on the shoulder of the road. One option might be to knock on the door of the nearest farmhouse and ask if they could sell you a few litres of fuel in a jerry can. In our case, I asked if they had a portable generator.

    We were 17 kilometres shy of Mildura when we lost our game of chicken with the range indicator on our BYD Atto 3.

    Unlike a Tesla, which has a bit of battery reserve (much like an internal combustion engine car’s fuel gauge), on the Atto, 0% means 0%, and we’d barely made it to the shoulder.

    We’d decided not to queue at the only charging station – on our entire trip – that had been occupied when we arrived. And I had been intrigued to test the limits of the car on this trip, knowing that the Atto’s LFP battery chemistry is pretty forgiving when it comes to deep discharges.

    Of course, we had roadside assistance, and they were on their way. But while we were waiting, we wandered over to the closest dwelling, a farm house. “Hi – we’re the crazy city slickers in an electric car who have run out of battery outside your place,” I began.

    I reckoned there was a better than 50% chance we’d get lucky with our request given the numerous uses of off grid power on a farm.

    Sure enough, showing that famous country hospitality, farmer Daniel was most obliging, quickly loading his generator in a ute and bringing it over. Less than 10 minutes later, we’d gained enough via our mobile charger to drive the car into his yard.

    I’d noticed a 32 Amp socket on the corner of his shed and had asked if we could use that to speed up our top up. Our travel charging kit includes an after market mobile charger that has swappable plugs allowing us to use it at 10, 15 and 32 Amp.

    Rather than wait for a couple of hours at 10 Amps on a noisy, polluting, petrol genset for enough charge to complete our journey, we switched to 7 kW charging. It turned out Daniel – a commercial table grape grower – had 100 kW of solar on the roof of his shed, so his power was free and zero emissions.

    Not long after that, roadside assist turned up, but we no longer needed their help. Instead, they were able to give the family a lift into Mildura, where we were staying that night. After a chat with Daniel about EVs, solar and grapes, he refused my offer of a contribution for his trouble, fuel and power, and I bade him farewell.

    Driving Experience

    And that was, literally, the only spot of bother we had on the trip. Driving an EV seems effortless compared to even an auto ICE car. It’s smooth (no engine vibration), quiet, and odourless. Acceleration is instantaneous and precise, with no jerky gear changes. As a result, drivers arrive feeling less fatigued. For those in the back seat there’s more leg room, due to the lack of transmission hump on EV’s designed from the ground up.

    Later in the trip, driving the Great Ocean Road was pure delight. An EV sticks to the road and corners well due to its low and distributed centre of gravity with the heavy battery under the car. In an accident this means a much lower chance of a roll over.

    The electric motors are much smaller than a large ICE engine block, translating to a better crumple zone to protect forward occupants in the event of a head on collision. Fire risk in a crash – and in general – is low.

    Perhaps the most satisfying view from the cockpit of an EV is driving past smelly expensive highway servos, some of which had queues to enter. In our opinion it’s much nicer to pull up to a charging station in the middle of a small town, generally close to a better range of food, shopping and entertainment options.

    With the range of today’s EV’s and increasing numbers of fast chargers, it’s pretty easy to plan charging around meal breaks and overnight at accommodation (using a mobile charger or destination chargers).

    Including paying contributions to charge at some of the places we stayed, we estimated we paid about half of what the fuel cost would have been in our previous Mazda CX-5 (a pretty similar size to the Atto), giving us more to spend on food and activities.

    Now, not everything was perfect. Some “fast” chargers were positively pedestrian. Heading to lunch with the app showing 45 minutes to full, then watching it increase to hours as additional cars occupied adjacent bays and cannibalised the available power. It was rare but frustrating. The plethora of charging apps was clunky, and we were glad our phones were on the network with better coverage in the bush.

    South Australia’s brand new RAA charging network was a breath of fresh air and a glimpse of the future, generally with ample power, and featuring the credit card tap capability now required by any charging project receiving federal support (no app required).

    In the early days of the automobile, drivers or their passengers needed to hand crank the engine to start it, which could sometimes lead to broken arms. Fuel stations were initially few and far between.

    EVs are already much more advanced than that, while the charging infrastructure, vehicle specs, and model selection is getting better by the day. Battery performance (both in terms of cost and weight per kWh of capacity) continues to advance in leaps and bounds.

    Our two-year-old Atto already feels quaint compared to the latest models, though it’s still a great car. We knew before we bought that new model prices were dropping, which will probably affect resale values for the next few years. That’s one of the reasons we selected what was then one of the most affordable EVs on the market, and we’ve had no regrets given the fuel and maintenance savings we’re making.

    Really, it’s no reason not to dip your toe in the EV waters today. Start with test drives. Rent one for weekends away. Lease rather than buying outright. Buy second hand – there are bargains to be had on great cars with plenty of remaining battery warranty.

    If you start with your eyes open to the state of play you won’t regret it: a 2024 survey of over 23,000 current EV drivers in 18 countries found less than 1% would return to a petrol or diesel car if they had to replace their EV tomorrow. In our case, there’s no looking back.

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  • Analysis: New gas and coal undermines Labor’s climate target, regardless of whether it’s exported

    We Can’t Have Our Cake and Eat It Too

    Some in the new Labor Government, and the Coalition previously have claimed that Australia can reduce its emissions, while simultaneously approving new coal and gas mines. Sounds good in theory, but in practice fossil fuel extraction and processing is one of the biggest sources of emissions in Australia, even before the coal or gas is burned.

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  • Would ending new fossil fuel approvals be good for the economy?

    It is indisputable that fossil fuels, produced and consumed anywhere on the globe, are gravely endangering the environment on which we all depend for our food, fresh water, oxygen, physical and mental health. And we know that alternative clean industries present Australia with enormous job and investment opportunities (if Australia remains globally competitive in clean energy industries). So why are we on track to open new projects?

    The International Energy Agency (whose membership comprises major fossil fuel producing countries including Australia) determined that, to avoid that catastrophic outcome, the cutoff for approvals of new fossil fuel projects was 2021. Delaying this date any later will have increasingly costly consequences and will undermine our ability to provide a duty of care to all Australians.

    Yet Prime Minister Albanese has claimed – without providing evidence – that if Australia took that momentous, desperately needed step, it would “devastate” our economy

    Is the PM correct? In a word, no.

    A Coal Bulk Carrier

    Image Credit: Daniel Norris on Unsplash

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  • What Could a Good Climate Action Bill Look Like?

    Last week we talked about what is in the government’s Climate Change Bill. Which was to say, not much, really. In this post we look more broadly at what sort of climate legislation Australian Parents for Climate Action would like to see, based on what we proposed in our submission to the Senate Inquiry.

    Source: Tingey Injury Law Firm via Unsplash

    Image Credit: Tingey Injury Law firm via Unsplash

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  • Wow, We Have a Climate Bill!

    Welcome to the Australian Parents for Climate Action policy blog. In coming posts you’ll hear from members of our volunteer Policy & Submissions team as they do their best to untangle the complex issue of what good climate policy should look like. We’re not “policy wonks”, so we won’t always be right, but we’d value your perspectives by commenting on our posts. And if you like them, please share them!

    What better place to start a policy blog than by looking at the first piece of meaningful climate legislation to pass the House of Representatives in a decade: the Climate Change Bill 2022.

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  • Gender and diversity in the 47th Parliament

    As a parent led advocacy group we represent a diverse range of parents and families across Australia. One of the key actions we undertake is engaging and meeting with MP’s to discuss our vision for a safe climate for our kids.  Understanding the makeup of our Parliament and identifying areas of common ground with MPs is key to our success in developing effective relationships and influencing policy on climate action. Now that the results of the 2022 Federal Election are in, we thought we’d have a look at the composition of the 47th Parliament.

    As an organisation founded by a group of mothers, it is pleasing for Australian Parents for Climate Action to see an increase in women being represented in Canberra. Overall (House of Representatives and Senate), female representation has increased from 38% to 44%. The first Albanese Cabinet features 10 women out of 23 (about the same proportion as are in parliament overall).

    In the House of Representatives, women now account for 38% of MPs, up from 31%. In the Senate, female representation has increased from 53% to 57%.

    On a party basis, however, there are stark differences. In the last parliament, the Coalition had 26% female representation. Following the May 2022 election this has only increased to 28%. In the male dominated House of Representatives, the Coalition’s share of women declined slightly from 20% to just 19% (11 female MPs). On the other hand, Labor’s (ALP) share of female MP’s increased from 43% to 47% (36 MPs), part of an overall increase in female representation from 49% to 52%. 

    The Greens maintained their female representation in the Senate at two thirds of their 12 seats. Of their four seats in the lower house, however, only one is held by a woman. Overall, the Greens are leading the way with 56% of their elected federal members being women. 

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