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4. Increase the number of vegetarian meals we eat each week


-  I used to be strictly vegetarian but it’s hard to keep up with balancing vegetarian diets and raising a family of people with different tastes and likes. So I have been starting to just increase the number of meals I have each week that are vegetarian, and incorporating as much vegetarian food as possible into my little girls’ diets. Significantly reducing the amount of meat we all eat can greatly help reduce carbon emissions. While I know I could do more on this front, I feel like I am educating myself and my kids about healthier choices and trying to head in the right direction. If more places offered healthy vegetarian take away it would make life easier too! Heads up food companies! It’s important to also commend farmers who are reducing the carbon emissions of beef and dairy. So for meat eaters there are also ways to reduce your carbon footprints. But eating less meat and more plants is seen as a key way to personally reduce our footprints.