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Are you concerned about your child's future in a warming world?

To all Australian Parliamentarians and Councillors,

I am a parent, guardian or grandparent and I am deeply concerned about the threat that climate change poses to my children and grandchildren.

The future safety and survival of our children - and their future children - is under direct threat by the excess carbon emissions in the atmosphere, which is destroying the ecosystems on which we all depend for our survival.

Given that:

  • climate impacts are already causing serious loss of life and destroying vital ecosystems
  • global average temperature, atmospheric greenhouse gases, and ocean acidity are already at dangerous levels, and
    wartime economic mobilisations have proven how quickly nations can restructure their economies when facing an extreme threat
  • it is inexcusable to continue with climate-damaging policies that put us all in even greater peril. The Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal is not a safe goal.

We call on all Australian federal, state, and territory parliaments and all local councils to:

  • Declare a climate emergency
  • Commit to net zero emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2030
  • Allow no new fossil fuel projects, including stopping the Adani coal mine
  • Prioritise a smooth and fair transition for all workers and communities impacted by the climate crisis, including fossil fuel industry communities and indigenous communities.
  • Commit to providing maximum protection for all children, adults, economies, species, ecosystems, and civilisations, and to fully restoring a safe climate
  • Mobilise the required resources and take effective action at the necessary scale and speed
  • Transform the economy to zero emissions and make a fair contribution to drawing down the excess carbon dioxide in the air, and
  • Encourage all other governments around the world to take these same actions.

We've risen to big challenges in the past when an emergency has been declared, with citizens and all sides of politics rising to the occasion and working together for the common good.

We call on all levels of government to do what is necessary now. This is an urgent threat to us all, especially our children.

Will you sign?

Showing 17 reactions

  • Jillian Llewelyn-Smith
    signed via 2019-11-25 20:11:22 +1100
  • Kirri Buchler
    signed via 2019-11-25 14:02:37 +1100
  • Heidi Castles
    signed via 2019-11-25 13:21:14 +1100
    Heidi N Castles
  • Catherine Berruer
    signed 2019-11-24 22:03:18 +1100
    Catherine Berruer
  • Margaret Obryan
    signed via 2019-11-23 06:56:18 +1100
    the politicians wont do it so we must
  • Sue Lowe
    signed via 2019-11-21 19:48:41 +1100
  • Ana Matos
    signed 2019-11-21 19:31:30 +1100
    Ana Matos
  • Frances Martin
    signed via 2019-11-21 14:43:08 +1100
  • Emily Boldiston
    signed via 2019-11-21 06:45:22 +1100
  • Zoe Lock
    signed via 2019-11-20 22:05:40 +1100
  • Linda Gill
    signed via 2019-11-20 16:55:46 +1100
    Time is running out for the future safety and survival of our children, their future children and all life as we know it is under direct threat by the excess carbon emissions in the atmosphere, and rapid deforestation which is destroying our life support systems, the ecosystems on which we all depend for our survival.

    I demand that you act with urgency to address the ecological and climatic collapse we are witnessing & experiencing.

    If you continue you will be knowingly perpetrating ecocide, the deliberate destruction of our life support systems with impunity.
  • Clare Sillence
    signed via 2019-11-19 07:04:29 +1100
  • sam clarke
    signed via 2019-11-19 06:54:49 +1100
  • Sarah Mooy
    signed via 2019-11-19 00:23:44 +1100
  • tania rotili
    signed via 2019-11-18 21:27:10 +1100
  • Jen Thompson
    signed via 2019-11-18 20:16:19 +1100
  • Louise Hayes
    signed via 2019-11-18 17:02:15 +1100