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Safeguard Mechanism Campaign Documents

The Climate Safeguard Mechanism is a national policy tool that covers industrial polluters. The mechanism was put in place by the Abbott government when it scrapped the economy-wide price on carbon. The Climate Safeguard Mechanism is essentially a way to apply a cap on emissions for the industrial sector that reduces over time. The government can use the lever to drive emissions cuts from the country’s most polluting facilities–such as coal mines and gas refineries.

While the Climate Safeguard Mechanism didn’t make polluters cut emissions under the Coalition government, Labor was elected with a mandate to strengthen the regulations. A decision-making process is now underway and the Albanese government is expected to announce its position in the first half of 2023.

Minister for Climate Chris Bowen plans to have the upgraded mechanism up and running by 1 July 2023. The strengthened Climate Safeguard Mechanism is currently The main tool proposed by the Albanese government to secure the necessary emissions cuts to meet the legislated target of a 43 percent reduction in Australia’s (below 2005 levels) by 2030.

Australian Parents for Climate Action believe that securing the reduced emissions is essential when considering the future of our children and grandchildren. We need to reduce emissions to #safeguardourkids. 

Read more about it here:


What you can do:


Meet with your MP and urge them to make the safeguard mechanism stronger- to achieve the target of a reduction of 43% of emissions by 2030. Ask your MP to pressure the Prime Minister to strengthen the Safeguard Mechanism targets.

Post on social media with the hashtag #SAFEGUARDOURKIDS and urge your MP, the Prime Minister and Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen to secure the target of a reduction of 43% emissions by 2030. 


Email your MP and urge them to reduce the emissions targets under the Safeguard Mechanism. Tell them that a reduction protects our kids. 

Check for updates about the campaign on local group leaders chat or coordination slack channels, or if you’re new to this space, on our Facebook group.

Sign our petition that will be tabled in Parliament.

Read our FAQ information here:


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