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Add your organisation to support Solar Our Learning

We’re calling on state and federal governments to fund solar panels and batteries for every school and early childhood centre in Australia that doesn’t yet have solar - or needs more.

It's a no brainer: creating clean local jobs Australia-wide, slashing school and centre electricity costs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to protect our climate. We're asking state and federal governments to make this a reality.

Solar and batteries significantly cut power bills for schools and early childhood centres by using and storing free energy from the sun. 

  • Save $114,000 in annual energy bills per large school*
  • Save $12,700 in small schools*
  • Saving $12,400 - $14,600 per early childhood centres**

To achieve these savings, schools and centres need grant funding for their solar and battery system, and to become part of a "virtual power plant" where they can sell their excess solar power to the community.

Will your organisation endorse our open letter to state and federal leaders?

Open letter: 

Dear Federal, State and Territory leaders, 

We call on all governments to work together to Solar Our Learning, by funding solar and batteries for every school and early childhood centre in Australia (with means-tested grants for privately-owned schools and for-profit early learning centres). 

This will slash school and early chidhood centre energy bills, freeing up more funds for learning resources and childcare places. It will save large schools $114,000 in energy bills per year and small schools $12,700 per year (Beyond Zero Emissions) and early childhood centres $12,400 - $14,600 per year (Utilizer Energy Consultants). Create at least 6,870 renewable energy jobs in all regions of Australia. Protect schools and early childhood centres from future energy price rises, reducing financial pressures on services and parents alike. And help secure a safe climate for young and future Australians by saving millions of tonnes of carbon emissions.

This is Australia’s largest clean energy proposal that will benefit every community in the country. Let’s Solar Our Learning.






The Solar Our Learning open letter is endorsed by:



Yarralea Children's Centre


* Beyond Zero Emissions ‘Million Jobs Plan’ 2020 - This plan, developed in conjunction with Tesla, provides for large schools to utilise 250kW of solar plus a medium battery and small schools to use 25kW of solar panels plus a small battery.  

** Based on a analysis of a random selection of 500 childcare provider energy consumptions figures, conducted for Parents for Climate by Utilizer Energy Consultants