Meeting with your MP (45 mins)
The next step to becoming a spokesperson for Australian Parents for Climate Action is meeting with your Federal (or State) Member of Parliament.
Well done! You have secured a meeting with your Federal (or State) Member of Parliament.
The first thing to clarify with yourself is if you are planning to meet as a representative or supporter of AP4CA. If you meet under AP4CA branding then we do need you to ask that your style of communication and your ask aligns with our strategy. Read on to find out more!
If you don't want to stick to this strategy, then we kindly ask that you meet as an individual and not connect the meeting with AP4CA. Thanks!
Reach out to AP4CA staff
Let us know about your meeting:
We will have a phone call or zoom with you, to help with specific advice in relation to your meeting. Read this guide beforehand as it will answer many of your questions.
We will provide a federal Solar Our Schools pitch and help shape your cover page materials specific to your Federal MP. For further information on localising your pitch be sure to read our Guide to Localising Solar Our Schools
- We may also be able to attend the meeting with you via Zoom for additional support.
Before the meeting
Research your Federal (or State) MP. Key information you can put together into a brief character profile is:
- What is their portfolio?
- How long have they been in this position?
- What were the electoral results in 2019 - are they marginal?
- Who is their opposition in their seat?
- Do they have children? What are their driving passions? How can you tap into those and find common ground?
- What are the main issues in their electorate that your pitch could help them with?
(See creating a localised SOS Pitch for further information)
Introduce yourself and AP4CA
Introduce yourself briefly and tell them you are a local constituent and are part of Australian Parents for Climate Action. AP4CA has 15,000 plus supporters around Australia and is growing every day. We are parents who are concerned about the safety of our children’s future and want climate action to be a non-partisan issue. Many of our parents are disaffected LNP voters who want the LNP to act on climate.
Tell them a little about yourself: I care about climate because... eg: I lost my house to a bushfire; my child was born during the bushfires and they struggled with the smoke; I live in a flood zone/and area impacted by sea-level rise, etc.
AP4CA Federal asks
Solar Our Schools is a shovel ready COVID-19 recovery policy that would:
- Create 7000 jobs in renewable energy Australia wide
- Save money in power bills to put towards 4000 teaching jobs Australia wide, thus addressing the national teacher shortage
- Save 1.35 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year.
- Supporting positive mental health in children, by showing them that adults are acting on climate
- When tied to the manufacturing of solar and batteries in Australia, help with the important transition economy out of fossil fuels
- Each school would then become a virtual power plant, creating a resilient energy source and community hub in local areas.
Success so far:
We have already celebrated wins for Solar Our Schools in 3 states (NSW, WA and Tas) where we have helped trigger $71 million on renewables in schools.
- We have met with Education Minister Alan Tudge’s office and repeatedly with Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s office, who have said they are considering the policy proposal.
- We have met with Shadow Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen and Shadow Education Minister Tanya Plibersek, and know they are strongly considering the policy.
Specific actionable ask for your MP
- We are now urgently asking for your help to lobby to get your federal to commit to Solar Our Schools. We will provide a full Solar Our Schools policy brief following this meeting, which includes the benefits of Solar Our Schools to our local community.
Federal Election Urgency for your Federal MP
Nationally, 71% of voters do not see coal and gas as part of Australia’s future energy mix, with a majority in every seat rejecting plans for the government to build new gas and coal-fired power plants.
One-in-three (29%) voters in inner metro electorates and one-in-four (26%) voters in rural electorates say climate change is the most important issue for them at the next election.
Half (50%) of Coalition voters want greater action on climate change and one-in-five Coalition voters say it is the issue that will determine their vote.
Other aims for your meeting
- Find out what their opinion is on climate change, and what advice they have for pushing climate action into their party - ie around framing policy or climate action. What story do they need to sell climate action to their party, and their constituents?
- Can we help them in some way? Do they need information or support to move forward on climate action?
- Aim to make this part of an ongoing relationship with your local Federal Minister.
- Ask if you can take a photo/screenshot of your Zoom meeting and share it on social media.
After the meeting
Send your Federal MP Solar Our Schools submission document and any other materials you have promised.
- Contact AP4CA staff and let them know how you went if we can help provide any additional follow-up information your MP requested, and if there is follow-up lobbying to be done as a result of the meeting.
- We will share news of your meeting with our supporters.
- We can also then discuss if there is a media opportunity to pursue.
The next step in this spokes training program is Getting Media Coverage (part 12 of our spokesperson training course).