Little Climate Heroes provide cover for Mirnu Wirra
This month we are venturing out of the Goody Patch, to go on a playgroup outing to attend the Adelaide Parklands Association, Conversation Council SA, Nature Conservation Society and other groups action to 'Provider cover for Mirnu Wirra' - a biologically diverse part of the Adelaide Parklands that are slated for development.
Meet at the Princess Elizabeth Playground for a picnic in the park. Then, all attendees are invited to raise an umbrella on the edge of the threatened area.
Bring a picnic blanket, some food to share and an umbrella! We will have our AP4CA sign up so you can find us, if you haven't been to Playgroup before.
More details are here:
About Little Climate Heroes Playgroup:
Our Little Climate Heroes Playgroup is a child-centred space to e empower our smallest ones with the knowledge, passion and purpose to work to protect our environment, advocate for change, and find fulfilment and purpose in community and in nature. In the process, we grown-ups can engage in nurturing our own hope, connection to community and ability to be caretakers and leaders. Our playgroup is aimed at families with children aged 0 - 10, but all are welcome to join in.
We meet monthly at a beautiful community garden - The Goody Patch - where we've got a shared plot to tend. We'll be doing child centred activities, to explore what we can do to look after our planet.
Bring a piece of fruit to share.