The final step to becoming a spokesperson for Australian Parents for Climate Action is sticking to our key messages.
Australian Parents for Climate Actions spokespersons are a powerful voice for change. Please remember to stick to these messages and abide by AP4CA values and ethos to maximise our strategic impact.
Key messages in brief
- Australian Parents for Climate Action want to see urgent climate action supported by all sides of politics, so we can make the climate safe for our kids.
- We need a national plan to slash climate pollution this decade. We want to see both major political parties increase their carbon pollution reduction targets for 2030.
- To make this roadmap a reality, we are asking both the LNP and ALP to commit to Solar Our Schools with solar panels and batteries for all schools and childcare centres.
Before the interview
- Research your news channel. Are they shock-jock climate deniers? Are they educational specialists? You will want to shape your response to the audience.
Let us know about your media opportunity:
- We will have a phone call or zoom with you, to help with specific advice in relation to your media opportunity. Read this guide beforehand as it will answer many of your questions.
- We would like you to have localised your Solar Our Schools pitch. For further information on localising your pitch be sure to read our Guide to Localising Solar Our Schools
Getting started: Introduce yourself and AP4CA
- Introduce yourself briefly and tell them you are part of Australian Parents for Climate Action. AP4CA has 15,000 plus supporters around Australia and is growing every day. We are parents who are concerned about the safety of our children’s future and want climate action to be a non-partisan issue. Our parents come from all walks of life, including regional, urban, remote parents from all corners of Australia. Some of our parents are disaffected LNP voters who want the LNP to act on climate.
- Tell them a little about yourself: I care about climate because... eg: I lost my house to a bushfire; my child was born during the bushfires and they struggled with the smoke; I live in a flood zone/and area impacted by sea-level rise, etc.
AP4CA Big Asks
- We want climate action to be a non-partisan issue, so we are working with all sides of politics asking for tangible solutions to climate change.
- We need a national plan to slash climate pollution by 2030, with strong targets that at minimum match the United States, the United Kingdom and other trading partners such as the European Union and Japan. We’re asking both major political parties to commit to 75% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. This is the most appropriate target for Australia to be doing our fair share (based on the Climate Council modelling on equity provisions for the Paris agreement) so that we can ensure a safe climate for our children.
- As a tangible commitment on a roadmap to this target, we are asking both the LNP and ALP to commit to supporting our Solar Our Schools policy - which would see the federal government provide $3.78 billion dollars to provide solar and batteries for every school and early childhood centre across Australia. The federal government already invests more than 25 billion dollars per year into education nationwide.
Solar Our Schools is a shovel ready COVID-19 recovery policy that would
- Create 7000 jobs in renewable energy Australia wide
- Save money in power bills to put towards 4000 teaching jobs Australia wide, thus addressing the national teacher shortage
- Save 1.35 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year.
- Supporting positive mental health in children, by showing them that adults are acting on climate
- When tied to the manufacturing of solar and batteries in Australia, help with the important transition economy out of fossil fuels
- Each school would then become a virtual power plant, creating a resilient energy source and community hub in local areas.
Our Successes so far
- We have already celebrated wins for Solar Our Schools in 3 states (NSW, WA and Tas) where we have helped trigger $71 million on renewables in schools. NT government is now considering how they can support Solar Our Schools.
Actions your audience can take
Ask them to join with 12,000 other parents around Australia to sign the open letter to the PM to Solar Our Schools. Go to
Federal Election Urgency for action on climate
- Two in three voters believe the federal government needs to be doing more to address climate change.
- Nationally, 71% of voters do not see coal and gas as part of Australia’s future energy mix, with a majority in every seat rejecting plans for the government to build new gas and coal-fired power plants.
- One-in-three (29%) voters in inner metro electorates and one-in-four (26%) voters in rural electorates say climate change is the most important issue for them at the next election.
- Half (50%) of Coalition voters want greater action on climate change and one-in-five Coalition voters say it is the issue that will determine their vote.
What about net-zero by 2050?
- It is positive to have a zero target for climate pollution and now, most importantly, we need to see a detailed plan with immediate changes to slash climate pollution this decade.
- At the Morrison Government’s current rate of climate pollution reduction, we won’t get to zero climate pollution for more than 100 years. We need a commitment from the Federal Government/major parties for a national plan to slash climate pollution by 2030, with strong targets that at minimum match the United States, the United Kingdom, and trading partners such as the European Union and Japan.
- Send us a copy of your media story so we can promote and log it. Email [email protected]
The next step in this spokes training program is to find pat yourself on the back for being totally awesome. You'll be hearing from us about media opportunities!