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Sign the Letter - Ask the Environment Minister to safeguard our children's future

Update: Together with 100+ pieces of kids artwork, this petition was delivered to Minister Plibersek's office in December 2022. Check out the handover event gallary here

We encourage parents from across the country to continue signing this Open Letter to our Environment Minister; every bit of pressure contributes towards a safe climate for our kids.

Dear Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, 

We, the undersigned, represent a diversity of Australian parents, grandparents, carers and family members, who are deeply concerned about the safety of our children. 

We are doing all that we can to protect our children from harm and provide them with the support and guidance to ensure they have the best chance at a happy and healthy life. But we need your leadership to protect them too. As Australia’s Environment Minister, you share a Duty of Care for young Australians. And we will support you to make the right decisions that will ensure a safe and thriving environment for many generations to come. 

We understand that you begin your role in earnest while Australia’s environment is at its poorest state in history. We applaud you for the positive steps you have taken already in this critical leadership role. We have renewed optimism in the way in which you are recognising the huge challenges and poor state that our environment is in.

Hard and challenging decisions will have to be made to safeguard the living world for our children. Your role is critical to protecting Australia’s children from climate harm. And we entrust that you will uphold your duty of care to protect them in your decisions.

In support of the Environment Council of Central Queensland’s legal intervention to protect Australia’s living wonders from climate damage, we ask that you heed the scientific advice on the climate impacts of all new fossil fuel projects while prioritising the well-being of young and future Australians. 

We ask that you act to implement the response plan to the state of the environment report urgently and with the resources required to restore our natural world, so that young and future Australians may depend on it, just as older Australians have to date.

And we ask that you overhaul the inadequate environment laws that allow for continued destruction, by supporting all of the recommendations of the Samuel Review. 

With our sincere support, encouragement and faith in your leadership to do what is right. We won’t get another chance. Our kids and families are counting on you.

Australian parents, grandparents, carers and family members.

Parents For Climate  

5,000 Signatures

4,352 Signatures

Will you sign?

Once we have a groundswell of signatures, we will present the open letter to Hon. Tanya Plibersek. Timing is of the essence. Can you sign now? 

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