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Ask the Prime Minister to take urgent climate action

I'm a parent of a 3-year-old who witnessed the terrifying experience of fleeing fires in Mallacoota. I ask you to add your voice with mine to ask the Prime Minister to urgently act on the climate recommendations handed down by the Bushfire Royal Commission.

Right now we have the opportunity to ensure that post-COVID-19 government stimulus spending goes towards reducing our greenhouse emissions, phasing out fossil fuels to help solve the climate crisis.

But the Prime Minister wants to support climate-damaging fossil gas instead. Our Prime Minister needs to hear from you about the type of future you want for your children.

Anthea G, Victoria

Australian Parents for Climate Action

1,000 Signatures

230 Signatures

Will you sign?

Dear Prime Minister, 

Last summer many Australian parents and their children experienced first hand the terror of losing homes, animals, and even family members due to the extreme bushfires. As parents, we want to protect our children from future climate risks.

There is no time to waste, with the impacts of extreme weather already being felt and costing us through property damage, insurance costs, and lives lost.

Which is why I’m writing to ask you set a timeline for acting on the recommendations handed down by the Bushfire Royal Commission.

The COVID-19 shutdown has been a very difficult time for Australia and the world. Yet it will pale in significance compared to the climate crisis that is looming over us if we don’t act urgently to cut carbon emissions.

For the sake of our children, we have to get to net zero emissions as quickly as possible. Australia will not be able to cut our emissions unless we also phase out gas and coal extraction.

Therefore I request that the government does not invest any new coal and gas projects but instead invest in renewable energy. The recovery from the COVID-19 economic shutdown presents a huge opportunity for jobs and growth in Australia and to address the climate crisis at the same time.  

Prime Minister, give our children the best chance possible for a brighter future by taking action on climate.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
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