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Climate Action Resources Expo (CARE)

Are you concerned about climate change, but not sure what you can do?

Are you keen to learn about practical ways of contributing to creating a more sustainable world?
If so, come along to our...

10am-3pm Saturday 26 November
Small Steps - Big Impact
It will be a mini-expo of information and resources to encourage and educate our local community in easy ways to take small actions that can positively affect climate change.
The event will comprise speakers, stalls, displays, workshops and activities for children.
Key speakers during the day will be
• 10:30a Prof Chris Daniels, Presiding Member of Green Adelaide;
• 11:15a Auntie Elaine Magias - Welcome to Country;
• 11:45a Nina Keath, Team Leader Sustainability, City of Onkaparinga;
• 1:00p Dr. Ariella Helfgott, Director Strategic Foresight – Strategy and Policy – Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Some highlights will be:
Displays by electric car owners and cargo bike owners,
Mitcham Council initiatives,
Repair Café demos,
wax wraps workshop (must book),
bike recycling,
sustainable products for sale,
waste management in the house,
ideas for building sustainably,
energy cost management ideas,
suitable trees and plants to grow,
pre-loved books on sustainability,
activism opportunities, and activities for kids throughout the day.
The Climate Action Resources Expo is a community event being organised by the Blackwood Uniting Church, in collaboration with representatives from the City of Mitcham, Australian Parents for Climate Action, Conservation Council of SA, Blackwood Sustainable Communities and Twenty Metre Trees.
This event is proudly supported by the RAA Grass Roots Giving and the City of Mitcham’s Grants Programs.
For further information contact Adrienne Stoker: [email protected] or Peter Cranwell: [email protected]
November 26, 2022
10am - 3pm
Blackwood Uniting Church
266 Main Rd
Blackwood, SA 5051
Google map and directions
Adrienne Stoker