We know that fossil fuels are incompatible with a safe future, just like nuclear weapons are incompatible with a safe future.
That's why 101 Nobel laureates and over 3,000 scientists are calling for a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. Six countries and 84 subnational governments have already endorsed it. It's time Australia got on board, too.
Dear World Leaders and Australian governments,
As parents, grandparents and carers, we are calling on the world leaders and Australian governments to join governments across the world to negotiate, adopt and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - our kids are counting on us.
Coal, oil and gas are the source of 86% of CO2 emissions that cause climate change. Our addiction to these fossil fuels means children in every country around the world are breathing polluted air, while storms, floods, heat waves and bushfires hit with increasing severity and frequency.
As parents, grandparents and carers, we cannot stand by and let the fossil fuel industry and world leaders rob our children of a safe future.
So we are speaking up, emboldened by the love we have for our children, to demand an end to the fossil fuel era and a just transition to a clean energy future.
We are seeking a binding global plan to:
End expansion of any new coal, oil or gas production in line with the best available science as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme;
Ensure a just transition to 100% access to renewable energy globally, support dependent economies to diversify away from fossil fuels, and enable all people and communities, not least the Global South, to flourish.
As parents, grandparents and carers, we stand united for a clear, global plan to phase out fossil fuels. Governments must make it happen now, our kids are counting on us.
Yours sincerely,
Australian parents, grandparents, carers and family members.
Once we have a groundswell of signatures, we will present this petition to Australian governments at all levels and across the political spectrum. Can you sign now?
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Energy costs are an increasing burden and too many schools and early childhood centres are missing out on the benefits of bill-busting clean energy installations.
Solar and batteries for all schools and childcare centres can save schools money, reduce childcare costs, and employ thousands of people - it’s a win-win-win.
This is Australia’s largest clean energy proposal that will benefit every community in the country.
But it won’t happen without our support. We need to build an unstoppable wave of positive support for schools and early learning powered by clean energy. Add you name to the letter to state and federal leaders to show your support.
Solar Our Learning will:
Want to find out more? Check out the main Solar Our Learning campaign page for more information
Dear Federal, State and Territory leaders,
We call on all governments to work together to Solar Our Learning, by funding solar and batteries for every school and early childhood centre in Australia (with means-tested grants for privately-owned schools and for-profit early learning centres).