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Emma gets a sticker too!

Emma! Thanks so much for being involved in the Solar Our Learning signup challenge! Can I ask you a few questions about how and why you got involved, and how you've managed to sign up 13 people?

First, why did you originally get involved with Parents for Climate?

I always look for opportunities to get involved in doable and meaningful ways with grassroots climate organisations. I've got a small child and a love for the natural world and I also quite like having a liveable habitat, as I am a human. I think it's smart to engage parents with a group like this as we all share this concern for the world we will pass on to our kids. 

Second, why did you want to get involved in signing up others to the Solar Our Learning campaign?

This campaign strikes me as well chosen and well targeted; meaningful for both kids and parents in that it will have a real, significant and visible impact, and tangible. I also think it's realistic and likely to be attractive to the federal government as an easy win for all those reasons.

Third, how have you gone about getting others to sign up?

I just followed the suggestions (and some of the wording!) in the previous emails – I messaged my friends, family and mother's group on WhatsApp and Signal with a slightly personalised version of the pitch. I posted it on my own Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and I also emailed my son's daycare centre with a little explanation of what it was all about asking them to share the link.

It was probably 15-20 minutes' work in total – so probably got me a signature for each minute of work, think of how that kind of impact could be scaled if all of us do it!

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Julia gets a sticker!

March 26, 2024

Friends: pray join me for a moment to pay homage to Julia Parkin! She's signed up 19 people in the Solar Our Learning signup challenge so far, so is sitting right on the cusp of a second sticker. She looks happy to be involved, doesn't...

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Melanie leapfrogs Rob! How did she do it?!

March 26, 2024

If you've been reading my recent emails -- and I do hope you have, they're quality gear -- you'll know three things: We’re giving away Parents for Climate swag to anyone who helps get other parents involved in our Solar Our Learning campaign before May's federal...

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Can anyone catch Rob?!

March 26, 2024

If you read our emails -- and please do! We strive to inform and delight -- you'll know we’re giving away Parents for Climate swag to anyone who helps get other parents involved in our Solar Our Learning campaign before May's federal Budget. Every ten signatures...

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