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Podcast review: SwitchedOn Australia

The SwitchedOn Australia podcast "tracks the electrification of everything with people at the forefront of the electrification transition".

The podcast is part of the RenewEconomy stable of web sites and podcasts, which since 2012 have provided a welcome source of news, reporting and analysis covering Australia's transition to renewables. Some of these stories make their way to traditional media, but good news stories can sometimes fly under the radar at moments when public discourse is more focused on 

An episode close to my heart is one which aligns perfectly with our Solar Our Learning campaign - an interview with Rob Bruer from Zero Positive with the catchy title: Why solar and batteries should be installed in every school.

Episodes are generally in the commute-length bracket, between 30 and 55 minutes, and cover a mix of good-news and advocacy stories.

The good news stories predominate, and cover what people are trying in their homes and busineses, as well as innovative new ideas, opportunities and initiatives. The advocacy stories on the other hand cover what governments can do about the obstacles that are keeping too many households and businesses locked into expensive and outdated systems.

And like RenewEconomy more generally, the podcast is willing to present opposing sides on certain questions - for example recent episodes presented very different views on the role of commuity batteries - which I appreciate, in the spirit of informed debate.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, please check it out!

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