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Migrants Talking About The Weather morning tea

Are you a migrant or have friends or neighbours who hare?

We have joined with our friends Climate Action Maribyrnong to co-host this discussion about morning tea for migrants to discuss how they are coping with the heat this summer, share questions, concerns and suggestions. We will have a few guests who may be able to help with health advice, information for renters.

Melbourne weather is crazy, especially in the west.
Hot and dry one moment, then windy and raining the next.
Adjusting to a new country and changes in climate can be a real shock.
Differences in weather can result in new health concerns and added costs to address them.
What can we do? Would you like to talk about it?
Join us for this free event
February 24, 2024
10am - 12pm
Maidstone Community Centre
21 Yardley St
Maidstone, VIC 3012
Google map and directions
Angela Ashley-Chiew ·