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Sign the Letter: tell power companies to come clean on greenwashing

Too many power companies are marketing electricity from fossil fuels as ‘carbon neutral’, claiming they can ‘offset’ that pollution with carbon credits - by paying other people not to pollute, or to plant trees somewhere.

But using so-called ‘offsets’ as a licence to pollute cheats our kids out of a safe future, and misleads parents who are trying to do buy clean energy.

We need all power companies to understand we've had enough of their greenwashing. Can you sign our open letter to let them know we won't stand for it?

To the power companies of Australia,

We, the undersigned, are parents and other caregivers who care about our kids’ climate.

Many of us are time-poor, so when we’re trying to choose the best products for our families we rely on companies representing their products honestly.

And we don’t appreciate being misled.

If we’re in the supermarket we expect the label to match what’s in the box. And when we buy power we expect the same.

If your products generate pollution that harms the climate our kids are growing up in, don’t market them to us as ‘green’ or ‘carbon neutral’.

If you’re misleading us into buying polluting products when we’re trying to buy clean energy, you’re misleading us into harming our kids when we’re trying to protect them.

It's our job to protect our kids. And it’s our job to teach them there are consequences for misleading behaviour, so we’re taking a stand.

Advertise the climate impact of your products honestly, so we can make real choices about what we buy.

And change your business from polluting to clean renewable energy.


Australian parents, grandparents, carers and family members.

2,000 Signatures

1,796 Signatures

Will you sign?

We need all power companies to know we've had enough of greenwashing. Can you sign now? 

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Parents for Climate meet and work on the lands of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and respect that sovereignty of those lands was never ceded. We pay respect to Elders, past and present and emerging, and acknowledge the pivotal role that Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within the Australian community.