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Sign the petition: Enshrine a duty of care that protects our kids from climate harm

We’re calling on all Australian Parliamentarians to enshrine their duty of care to protect young and future generations in law.


Building on our 2022 campaign, urging the current and former environment ministers to uphold their duty of care, we are expanding our appeal to all members and senators. And this is a critical moment!

Independent Senator David Pocock is introducing a private member’s bill to call for changes to the Climate Change Act to force government to consider the health and well being of young and future generations when making decisions about projects that impact the climate. As parents concerned about their children’s climate, we strongly support this bill.

Our love for our children is above politics. Add your support. And let’s ensure our kids are safe from climate harm caused by decisions today.


Dear Federal Parliamentarians,


We ask that you support the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Equity) Bill 2023, and to enshrine a duty of care to protect the health and wellbeing of young and future Australians in government decision making on projects that could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions.


With our sincere support, encouragement and hope for the future our kids will inherit. Our kids and their families are counting on you.


Australian parents, grandparents, carers and family members.


1,000 Signatures

899 Signatures

Will you sign?

We will present this petition to all federal parliamentarians in support of the bill. Timing is of the essence. Can you sign now? 

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