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Pages tagged "Labor"

Analysis: New gas and coal undermines Labor’s climate target, regardless of whether it’s exported

We Can’t Have Our Cake and Eat It Too

Some in the new Labor Government, and the Coalition previously have claimed that Australia can reduce its emissions, while simultaneously approving new coal and gas mines. Sounds good in theory, but in practice fossil fuel extraction and processing is one of the biggest sources of emissions in Australia, even before the coal or gas is burned.

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Wow, We Have a Climate Bill!

Welcome to the Australian Parents for Climate Action policy blog. In coming posts you’ll hear from members of our volunteer Policy & Submissions team as they do their best to untangle the complex issue of what good climate policy should look like. We’re not “policy wonks”, so we won’t always be right, but we’d value your perspectives by commenting on our posts. And if you like them, please share them!

What better place to start a policy blog than by looking at the first piece of meaningful climate legislation to pass the House of Representatives in a decade: the Climate Change Bill 2022.

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