Pages tagged "climate conversations"
Great Climate Conversations Guide (10 mins)
The next step to becoming a spokesperson for Australian Parents for Climate Action is normalising having great climate conversations. This will help you practice your story - and it will help your community to come together for climate action.
It's the elephant in the room. You know your friends and family are concerned too. But how can you help them start to take action on climate?
Effective climate conversations normalise climate concerns and lead people to take action. They're about connecting, listening, finding common ground, and empowering each other. Things we all need after a hard couple of years dealing with the pandemic.
Can you commit to opening up 5 climate conversations with friends over the coming month?
It's an opportunity to be real, listen and dream up how to create a brighter future together. It takes courage to speak about what we care about, but every conversation helps shift public opinion.
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