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Mike Pulsford

Mike Pulsford

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  • Thurs Feb 13: Learn how to engage MPs and election candidates

    Join us on Thursday February 13 to learn how best to engage your local MP and election candidates! There are two options:

    Ahead of a federal election where cost of living issues are dominating headlines and political agendas, it's vitally important we help MPs and candidates understand how climate solutions can ease cost of living pressures.

    Meeting your MP or election candidates in your area is an incredibly powerful way to help make that happen. And even parents doing it for the first time come away feeling great about it!

    It can feel intimidating to contemplate if you've never done it before though, and there are some useful tips to make it go well. So our Thursday February 13 training will give you all the information you need to feel confident.

    Come along and learn how to

    • Prepare for your meeting
    • Target your requests strategically - what can this person actually do for you?
    • Handle common issues during a meeting
    • Cultivate a positive relationship with an MPs office

    To make it as accessible to busy parents we are running this session twice, once at lunchtime and one in the evening:

    Lunchtime session: 12:30pm AEDT; 12pm ACDT; 11:30am AEST; 11am ACST; 9:30am AWST

    Evening session: 8pm AEDT; 7:30pm ACDT; 7pm AEST; 6:30pm ACST; 5pm AWST


  • published It's a sign! in Articles and media releases 2024-12-10 13:10:07 +1100

    It's a sign!

    Hi Mike, 

    With growing talk of an early election, this summer is an important time to show politicians and election candidates that our communities want climate action.

    BUT, it's also an important time for familes to rest and recharge - and even get away from it all if we're able to. Quite the conundrum!

    Luckily this is a conundrum with a bright and visually appealing solution: It's a sign.

    And not even a metaphorical sign: an easy way to make climate concern visible in your community even if you're going away on holiday is to host one of our beautiful yard signs, or get some for friends and neighbours!

    Order your signs now!

  • published Pledge to use your voice in Latest Actions 2024-12-12 10:50:08 +1100

    Turn love into action: pledge to use your voice

    Together, we can make sure our love for our children drives the change we need to secure a safe climate future for them to thrive.

    Parents for Climate has a plan to get politicians to support climate solutions that slash energy bills for all, and protect our kids from extreme heat and pollution, by reaching a million families across the country.

    Parents, grandparents and carers who love their kids deserve to know about climate solutions that can cut their bills.  And politicians need to know that parents want climate action that can help with the cost of living crisis.

    As someone who wants a safe future for the kids they care about, pledge to use your voice to raise awareness of positive solutions that help our kids’ climate and our families’ costs of living.

    62 pledges

    I pledge to use my voice to stand up for a safe climate for all children, in the lead up to the next federal election.

    Add pledge
  • Podcast review: SwitchedOn Australia

    The SwitchedOn Australia podcast "tracks the electrification of everything with people at the forefront of the electrification transition".

    The podcast is part of the RenewEconomy stable of web sites and podcasts, which since 2012 have provided a welcome source of news, reporting and analysis covering Australia's transition to renewables. Some of these stories make their way to traditional media, but good news stories can sometimes fly under the radar at moments when public discourse is more focused on 

    An episode close to my heart is one which aligns perfectly with our Solar Our Learning campaign - an interview with Rob Bruer from Zero Positive with the catchy title: Why solar and batteries should be installed in every school.

    Episodes are generally in the commute-length bracket, between 30 and 55 minutes, and cover a mix of good-news and advocacy stories.

    The good news stories predominate, and cover what people are trying in their homes and busineses, as well as innovative new ideas, opportunities and initiatives. The advocacy stories on the other hand cover what governments can do about the obstacles that are keeping too many households and businesses locked into expensive and outdated systems.

    And like RenewEconomy more generally, the podcast is willing to present opposing sides on certain questions - for example recent episodes presented very different views on the role of commuity batteries - which I appreciate, in the spirit of informed debate.

    If that sounds like your cup of tea, please check it out!

  • How to write a letter to the editor

    Got an issue you'd love more people thinking and talking about? Letters to the editor of newspapers are a great way to make that happen.

    And sharing your experiences and concerns can generate community discussion and encourage editors to cover these issues more.

    Your local MP will keep an eye on the letters pages in newspapers in your area, so it's an effective way to get it on their radar, too.

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  • Book review: Active Hope, by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone

    This is a gem of a book, one of my very favourites. The subtitle says it all: How to face the mess we're in without going crazy.

    Active Hope By Joanna R. Macy

    Living and parenting in the era of climate change can feel like we're presented with an impossible choice. To avoid facing the ecological and political crises playing out feels like a betrayal of our children and our values. That's also true if we rely on passive hope, acting as though everything will be OK without our participation.

    But on the other hand, it can feel sometimes that to face the full weight of these crises will undo us, leave us unable to cope. How does one face something so huge, especially while we're still building the political will for change?

    This is what the authors so helpfully grapple with, laying out a simple four-step process we can use.

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  • Budget missed opportunity to ease cost of living with clean energy

    Parents for Climate welcome the funding commitments made in last night’s Budget to the clean energy transition, but say opportunities have been missed on cost of living and securing a safe climate for Australian children.

    “As parents navigating cost of living challenges who also want a safe climate for our kids to thrive, the Budget’s report card is mixed,” said Parents for Climate CEO Nic Seton.

    “Our budget report card shows that this government is committed to progress on clean economic development, but there are serious omissions and missed opportunities when it comes to long-term fixes for cost of living, and to the duty of care the government has for our kids’ climate. 

    “We welcome the investments made in the Future Made in Australia package, including the attention paid to resourcing skills training. These investments will help deliver the jobs our kids will do in the future economy.

    “We also welcome the investments to support consumers to benefit from the energy transition, and those in active transport, preparing rural communities for climate impacts and drought, and supporting communities to transition away from fossil fuels jobs.

    “While short-term energy bill relief is welcome, the opportunity was missed to lower power bills permanently by supporting more vulnerable families to access bill-busting rooftop solar and electric appliances.

    “The government has also overlooked the historic cost-saving potential of solar and batteries in schools and early childhood centres that could boost education budgets and help lower energy prices for consumers.

    “And while there’s no new funding for gas projects, support for climate-wrecking pollution remains dangerously high. There’s no reduction in subsidies for fossil fuels, no increase to relevant corporate taxes, and public money is still committed to the disastrous Middle Arm project. We expect better from our government and so do our kids.”

  • Tell your Labor MP or Senator: your gas strategy betrays our kids

    On 9th May 2024, the Albanese government released a “Future Gas Strategy” that doubles down on drilling and fracking for more gas.

    UPDATE: We mobilised hundreds of parents across the country to call or email their ALP MPs and Senators to send a clear message that this strategy is a betrayal of our kids and the parents who voted for climate action. Parents in Darwin also mobilised their community to send a clear message to the Albanese government.

    The background:
    After promising that voting for them would mean an end to years of federal inaction and obstruction on climate, and misguided ideas like the previous government’s “gas fired recovery”, the present government has rebadged the gas industry’s wishlist and given it another chance.

    It’s a betrayal, and we can’t let it pass quietly.

    It betrays our kids, who will pay the price for the rest of their lives for shortsighted decisions like this.

    And it betrays the parents who voted to trust this government with the duty of care to do the right thing by our kids.

    What can I do?

    I've never contacted an MP before, what do I do?

    Check out these great tips from the Climate Council.

    What should I say?

    If your MP is one of the few to speak out against the plan, thank them for speaking out and ask what they plan to do next.

    If your MP has remained quiet:

    • This is a betrayal of our kids and the parents who voted for you. In 2022, the Albanese Government promised that things would be different after a decade of Coalition inaction and obstruction on climate. But committing to expanding gas at this scale is a disaster for the climate our kids will grow up in.
    • It’s misleading to portray gas as a climate solution. Gas is a fossil fuel which makes climate change worse.
    • To be clear, this government has also made excellent announcements when it comes to big renewables projects.
    • But just as we wouldn’t let our kids use cleaning one room as an excuse to leave a mess in another, building new renewables is not an excuse for wrecking the climate with decades of new gas production.
    • Other ALP MPs have spoken out about this disastrous plan. Will you?

    What do we want instead of this plan?

    What happens next?

    We’ll keep pushing for our positive vision:

    • A safe climate for our kids to thrive.
    • Government’s duty of care to our kids enshrined in legislation.
    • Our kids educated in schools and early learning centres covered in solar panels, growing up knowing they have a bright future.

    But moments like these are a wake up call - that the people making money off the climate crisis can all too easily get the government’s ear. 

    The quieter we are, the easier that remains for them, and the harder our kids’ futures will be.

    So it’s at moments like these that we need to get much, much louder.

  • Solar Our Learning visibility challenge

    Can you help make the Solar Our Learning campaign massively more visible to other parents by putting up a poster at the schools and/or childcares your children attend?

    Here’s the steps

    1. Download a poster to colour in here (Or want a pre-coloured one instead?)
    2. Print it out; colour if you want
    3. Get permission to put it up at a school and/or childcare you're connected to
    4. Take a selfie with it
    5. Post the selfie to social media and tag us, so we know you've done it! Or if you despise social media with every fibre of your being, just email the pic to us instead at [email protected]
    6. For each school or childcare you send us a pic from by Budget night, we'll send you a Parents for Climate sticker!
  • published Emma gets a sticker too! in Smashing it! 2024-03-26 14:57:23 +1100

    Emma gets a sticker too!

    Emma! Thanks so much for being involved in the Solar Our Learning signup challenge! Can I ask you a few questions about how and why you got involved, and how you've managed to sign up 13 people?

    First, why did you originally get involved with Parents for Climate?

    I always look for opportunities to get involved in doable and meaningful ways with grassroots climate organisations. I've got a small child and a love for the natural world and I also quite like having a liveable habitat, as I am a human. I think it's smart to engage parents with a group like this as we all share this concern for the world we will pass on to our kids. 

    Second, why did you want to get involved in signing up others to the Solar Our Learning campaign?

    This campaign strikes me as well chosen and well targeted; meaningful for both kids and parents in that it will have a real, significant and visible impact, and tangible. I also think it's realistic and likely to be attractive to the federal government as an easy win for all those reasons.

    Third, how have you gone about getting others to sign up?

    I just followed the suggestions (and some of the wording!) in the previous emails – I messaged my friends, family and mother's group on WhatsApp and Signal with a slightly personalised version of the pitch. I posted it on my own Facebook and LinkedIn accounts and I also emailed my son's daycare centre with a little explanation of what it was all about asking them to share the link.

    It was probably 15-20 minutes' work in total – so probably got me a signature for each minute of work, think of how that kind of impact could be scaled if all of us do it!

  • published Julia gets a sticker! in Smashing it! 2024-03-26 14:12:02 +1100

    Julia gets a sticker!

    Friends: pray join me for a moment to pay homage to Julia Parkin!

    She's signed up 19 people in the Solar Our Learning signup challenge so far, so is sitting right on the cusp of a second sticker.

    She looks happy to be involved, doesn't she?

    Anyway of course I had some questions for her.

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  • published Rob smashes it in Smashing it! 2024-03-26 13:32:26 +1100

    Can anyone catch Rob?!

    If you read our emails -- and please do! We strive to inform and delight -- you'll know we’re giving away Parents for Climate swag to anyone who helps get other parents involved in our Solar Our Learning campaign before May's federal Budget.

    Every ten signatures you get on our open letter by that date gets you a sticker; if you get a hundred you get a t-shirt!

    More details about the Solar Our Learning signup challenege are here if you want them, but right now the question now is: Can anyone beat Rob?!

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  • Melanie leapfrogs Rob! How did she do it?!

    If you've been reading my recent emails -- and I do hope you have, they're quality gear -- you'll know three things:

    1. We’re giving away Parents for Climate swag to anyone who helps get other parents involved in our Solar Our Learning campaign before May's federal Budget.
    2. Every ten signatures you get on our open letter by that date gets you a sticker; if you get a hundred you get a t-shirt!
    3. The early lead was taken by one Rob Chan, and I was questioning whether his lead was capable of being surpassed. Here he is smiling the smile of victory at 17 signatures:

    Anyway we're all shocked to discover that said smile was premature, because Rob has been leapfrogged -- or leapROBbed, if I may be so bold -- by new member Melanie Cooke, who only signed up a fortnight ago!

    Read more
  • Solar Our Learning resources

    Solar Our Learning campaign page

    Posters and images

    #SolarOurLearning printable posters for schools and childcares

    A printable poster designed to be put up at schools and childcares to raise awareness of the #SolarOurLearning campaign. Includes a QR code for the open letter, for those who see it and want to get more involved.

    Colouring-in versions

    A great rainy-day activity - designed to be coloured in and then stuck up at a school or childcare. Space for kids to write their name and age too!

    • Schools and childcares



    •  School-focused



    •  Childcare-focused



    Pre-coloured poster

    PDF poster

    PNG poster

    Want to download a higher-resolution copy, or a different file format? Use the Canva link here!


    Other colouring-in pages

    Individual images are below, or find a pdf of all images here

    Reports and briefing documents

    Solar Our Learning report

    Solar Our Learning: Saving millions for the early learning sector presents the benefits of clean energy upgrades for the early learning sector, the barriers the sector faces in taking advantage of them, and the ways governments can help.

    Briefing documents

    These are two-page campaign summaries for people or organisations in the early childhood or education sectors who want more detail about the campaign than the open letter provides, but don't need the full report


  • Join the Solar Our Learning signup challenge!

    Can you help us show the government there’s growing public demand for clean energy upgrades for schools and early childhood centres?

    Our past campaigning has led to $71 million in funding across multiple states for clean energy upgrades for state schools. However, most schools still lack rooftop solar, and even those that have it don’t have enough to meet their energy needs.

    And there is still no targeted support at any level of government for clean energy upgrades for the early childhood sector - for preschools, kindergartens and long day care services.

    Can you help get more parents to sign our open letter to state and federal governments?

    Parents like you have always been the powerhouse of our organisation's achievements. And with your help we can show the government there’s unstoppable demand for these reforms.

    To help supercharge the Solar our Learning campaign (and get some sweet swag)

    1. Click on the open letter link to get your personalised sharing links! (If you can’t see them, you’ll need to sign the open letter yourself first.)

    2. Use those links to share the open letter on the platform of your choice, and our leaderboard will track how many people you’ve gotten to sign up

    3. For every ten signatures you get by Budget night, we’ll send you a Parents for Climate sticker. Or if you’re more ambitious, for every hundred, we’ll send you a t-shirt!

    The stickers will be high-quality vinyl prints, tough enough to use a bumper sticker on a car or bike, but equally attractive elsewhere. 

    And Parents for Climate t-shirts in particular are highly prized. Look how excited these two young people are to have one!

    Seriously though, too many schools and early childhood centres are missing out on the benefits of bill-busting clean energy installations.

    We know that solar and batteries for all schools and childcare centres can save money, employ thousands of people, and cut climate pollution - it’s a win-win-win.

    If the federal government steps up and makes a sufficient commitment to this project, it will be a step towards Australia’s largest clean energy proposal, benefiting every community in the country.

    But they need to hear demand loud and clear from the community, and that that demand is growing and can't be ignored.

    Click here if you can help! 

    Thanks for all that you do,


    Michael Pulsford
    Parents for Climate Campaigns Manager

    * Solar Our Learning: Saving millions for the early learning sector

  • Let's get clean energy for every school and childcare in the country!


    We’re calling on state and federal governments to fund solar panels and batteries for every school and early childhood centre in Australia that doesn’t yet have solar - or needs more.


    It's a no brainer: creating clean local jobs Australia-wide, slashing school and centre electricity costs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to protect our climate. We're asking state and federal governments to make this a reality.

    Solar and batteries significantly cut power bills for schools and early childhood centres by using and storing free energy from the sun. 

    • Save $114,000 in annual energy bills per large school*
    • Save $12,700 in small schools*
    • Saving $12,400 - $14,600 per annum for the average early childhood centre**

    To achieve these savings, schools and centres need grant funding for their solar and battery system, and to become part of a "virtual power plant" where they can sell their excess solar power to the community.


    Help make this a reality: take action now!


    1. Help grow public support

    2. Help demonstrate organisational support

    3. Share these resources



    * Beyond Zero Emissions ‘Million Jobs Plan’ 2020 - This plan, developed in conjunction with Tesla, provides for large schools to utilise 250kW of solar plus a medium battery and small schools to use 25kW of solar panels plus a small battery.  

    ** Based on a analysis of a random selection of 500 childcare provider energy consumptions figures, conducted for Parents for Climate by Utilizer Energy Consultants